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Joy Gendusa
We continue our interview with the founder and owner of PostcardMania. Joy has had tremendous success with her “small business.” So much so, that many wouldn’t even consider her a small business any more. She has over 150 employees, and has continued to grow since they opened the doors.
Joy shared with us on the Peep Show about how important their sales system is, and what they do to improve it with their sales staff. She also shared with us how important and hard it is to get interaction with customers on their website.
Controversy is hard to capitalize, and Joy shared a story with us about a risque calendar that got send out. It did attract attention, but not necessarily good attention. This cased the men of her company to lay one of their larger men to pose very provocatively.
Culture is very important to PostcardMania, and believe in it so much, they hired some Batista’s, and now employees can order a latte via text message, and have it brought to their desk.
You can learn more about Joy and her company at or you can contact her for marketing help and her other website