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John Walske
Today we spoke with John from the Zappos Insight team. This interview is a little different than what Nick and Johnny usually do, but we felt it was a must do interview for small business owners. These guys at Zappos are really doing it right. They have this commitment to customer service like no other business we’ve seen, and we learned a ton from John on what we need to do in our businesses to provide great customer service.
Zappos is a little different place to work…it really is like family. We read Tony Hsieh’s (Zappos’ CEO) book called Delivering Happiness, and we convinced that they are doing a lot of things right. Zappos is a huge company, but their story is something all small business owners can relate to. It started with an idea. There were tons of struggles along the way. In the end, they created a behemoth company that got bought out by Amazon, but the things they learned along the way are great for us all. Visit them at