Getting naked with other people is not always easy… in fact it is terribly difficult. Even with people you know really well. Getting NAKED is about getting personal, and taking away all the layers of stuff we hide behind. Nowhere to hide. People will see your flaws. But we no that no entrepreneur is perfect.
Not only do we strip down our guest, but we take it all off too. Each week Nick and Johnny talk about real issues they have dealt with as they have run their businesses over the past 15 and 30 years (respectively).
Each week on the podcast, we’ll interview business owners from around the world with a few things in common:
- They are successful. Each will have different levels of success, and different kinds of success, but they will each have something to share.
- They will be an owner or founder of their business.
- They will have employees. There are a lot of internet marketing and consulting gurus out there, and there are plenty of places to hear about them…just not on our show.
- They will be fun. Life is too short to be too serious. We want to interview people that are fun and engaging. Let have some fun and a laugh.
Owning a small business is fun and exciting, but it can also be the most difficult thing in the world. If you don’t build it correctly, it can be all consuming. When you start a business, it should be something you are passionate about. When you are passionate, you will be willing to put in the time it takes to become successful. As Sir Richard Branson says concerning being an entrepreneur, “There is not business vs. personal…There is only LIFE.” That is what we talk about in being Naked: LIFE…the life of an entrepreneur, because it’s not just business, it’s personal.