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John Dicker
John Dicker from Geeks Who Drink joins us and shares with us his crazy business story. We talked about why he started, why he bought out his partner, and how he makes money!
Look for John’s big event coming up on January 29th at the Filmore called Geek Bowl, the largest live trivia contest in the country. Teams come from all over to compete for a CASH prize.
He did confess to us that since he has an 11 month old daughter, he is a drinker, but is not a technical “Geek.” Then he turned the tables on Nick and Johnny to find out how little we know about trivia. We went 0 for 2, and John acused us of living under a rock.
While scoring is rather archaic, it does provide for good social time at Geek Bowl, as well as normal Geeks Who Drink events. While John would not share with us what the entertainment for Geek Bowl will be, he did guarantee us that it will be worth getting to the event on time!
We were shocked that it only comes to about $175 to bring GWD into a bar for a weekly event. John also shared that his model does not alow to only host a bi-weekly or a one off event. You can check out one of their events at over 35 bars around Denver.